Chapter 46: Old Dogs & New Tricks (Lizzy)

“Dead meat? Are you a high school bully from a Hallmark movie or something?” Jimmy’s comment only made the guy madder, as all his remarks today seemed to. In response to the snarky comment the man tugged hard on the makeshift leash, throwing Jimmy off balance and sending him sprawling to the dirt. Jimmy coughed a few times, badly winded from the impact, but he soon caught his breath again. The angry man stood over Jimmy, glowered down at him and asked, “Got anything else funny to say?” In a remarkable show of restraint, Jimmy actually kept his mouth shut and just shook his head. “Didn’t think so.”

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Chapter 42: Wooded Rumination (Lizzy)

After asking Jimmy to repeat himself, he did so and I wrote the same message out to JB. I texted him that he should feed the monster in Jimmy’s closet. A few more messages back and forth and Jimmy soon gave instructions on how to do just that.

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Chapter 41: The Whether Man (JamesyBoy)

I was shaken from my short but intense journey through the wormhole, down the drain. My vision finally cleared and the whole world stopped spinning. All things normalized as I got my bearings once again.

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Chapter 40: In The Closet (JB)

I didn’t think that I read the last text correctly, so I asked for them to clarify. When the text came back the same, I was confused and surprised and, to be honest, the slightest bit worried. Then, a quick followup text:

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Chapter 37: Pipe Dreams & Portal Potties (Beej)

My panic increased so much that I stopped even feeling it. I went numb. Cold. Like I had antifreeze in my veins. I watched as the doctor smiled, his lips and gills stretching as he did so. His rows of teeth clacked and dripped when he spoke.

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Chapter 36: Pockets & Pandas (Jimmy)

I made myself as flat as a pancake. By spreading my arms and legs out, I dispersed my weight wide and evenly, giving me stability. Like a snowshoe. I learned that from The Hardy Boys. I think that Lizzy needs to read more books, as she kept swatting at my hands and pushing my feet away from her as I spread out and went into her space.

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